Seven Ingredients for a Healthier and Younger skin

 Human skin is the most sensitive and largest part of our body. Everyone wants beautiful and glowing skin and there are many tips on how to get beautiful and glowing skin but today I am going to share 7 ingredients with you which you can use to get a beautiful and glowing skin.

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are loaded with a substance called lycopene; it can help and protect your cells from damage. Tomatoes also have potassium, vitamin B, E and other nutrients. Having a fair amount of tomatoes in your daily diet can provide you with a good quantity of all these healthy nutrients which are beneficial for your skin. 

Vitamin c is too good for skin and tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin c. It can boost your immune system and it also helps in stimulating collagen production. Vitamin C improves elasticity of the skin which makes your skin look younger. 

2. Leafy Greens

The green vegetables (mostly comprising leaves) are considered as 'Leafy Greens'. The vegetables like spinach, kale, collard, lettuce and other green leafy salad items are considered in this category. The leafy greens contain Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Iron, calcium and other minerals. All these ingredients helps your skin to reflect better in a large magnitude. 

Such vegetables are very effective to reverse the collagen production break down. Collagen production is essential for the skin to look pretty and glowing. 

3. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamin E, vitamin A, Vitamin C, omega 3, 6-Ftty acids and zinc.  it works as a cofactor for collagen synthesis. It has tremendous benefits for good skin. It is very helpful in the  process of making  your skin healthier and younger. Pumpkin seeds can moisturize your skin fights against free radicals for maintaining your youthful appearance. Pumpkin seeds are like a natural supplement for skin care as they are high in zinc.  Zinc has the ability to protect your cells membranes which are responsible for maintaining collagen production. They also promote skin renewal process. Pumpkin seeds are rich in antioxidant that helps lighten aging marks on the skin. Vitamin A, C and E help in fighting against the sun light which can damage and cause wrinkles on your skin. It also has fruit enzymes that help in natural exfoliation of dead skin cells.

4. Garlic

Another important ingredient which you should add in your daily food diet is garlic. It has amazing anti fungal and anti inflammatory properties along with providing smoothness to your skin. Garlic also has the ability to enhance the blood flow which increases the anti-oxidant levels of the skin and  body resulting in a glowing skin.  Some of garlic’s nutritional benefits which are extended to your health of your hair as well. Raw garlic is high in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins B-6 and C which are very helpful for  a naturally glowing skin. Garlic is very beneficial for women as it is effective in curing several health problems, boosts your metabolism, helps in weight loss and keeps the heart healthy. Garlic is traditionally used to treat colds and coughs as well.

5. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are known as agrumes which mean sour fruits. The most common citrus are oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons and limes. They grow on flowering trees and shrubs. They are also very beneficial and good for skin. Oranges and lemon peels are great addition to any skin care routine. Citrus fruits provide antioxidants which helps in removing your dead skin cells and generate new cells. It keeps your skin smooth and soft. Citrus fruits make your skin beautiful and glowing. Orange is one of the best citrus fruit for healthy skin.

Lemon is rich with antioxidant that gives you a healthy skin. Sweet lime is largely beneficial for health of human beings. Citrus fruits contain many compounds that can help you to keep your heart healthy as well. Citrus fruits provide you vitamin C and vitamin C helps and link amino acid together and gives you a healthy skin.

6. Sweet Potato

Sweet Potatoes contain a good source of fiber, potassium, vitamins and other essential nutrients which are good for skin. Sweet potato helps impart a natural glow to your skin making it softer and younger. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin c and vitamin E, both of which are very crucial to keep skin healthy, glowing and supple. Vitamin c helps to boost collagen production which is the reason of tightness of your skin. They also support your immune system. Sweet potatoes are incredibly rich in beta-carotene, the antioxidant, in fact one cup of (200grams) baked sweet potatoes will provide more than seven times the amount of beta-carotene which is the average per day need of an adult.

7. Cabbage

Cabbage is an exceptionally healthy food and outstanding nutrient, especially high in vitamins C and vitamin K. Cabbage has 1 gram of fiber for every calorie, it is commonly eaten as vegetable. Most common cabbage is green but red cabbage has become increasingly popular for color in salads and cooked dishes. Cabbage contains a wide range of nutrients and vitamins, such as vitamin A, C, E, Sulphur and Potassium which provides wonderful cleansing effect and nourishment for your skin. The cabbage is highly beneficial for beautiful and youthful skin, if used on regular basis. It is also good people who have acne prone skin. Cabbage can be very helpful for drying up oily and acne prone skin. Internally Sulphur is essential for keratin, a protein substance which is very important and useful for healthy hair, nails and skin.

Tips to make your body strong to fight Corona Virus (COVID) while making it beautiful: Health & Beauty together


Although this is a beauty blog, but the current situation of Corona virus has compelled me to create this post. After going through my first hand observation of this virus and after observing the conditions of people in my close proximity, I determined that the vitamins and other nutrients which are used in the beauty enhancement are almost same as the ones required by the body while fighting the COVID virus. This article will display all the things which will not only make you beautiful but it will also make you body prepared to fight the corona virus. You can eve use these tips even when you are infected by the virus to slow down the process of virus multiplication and keep the effects of the virus to be mild. 

Entry of the Virus

When the virus enters a human body it starts attaching it self to the near by cells and tissues. Every recipient of the virus perceives it differently which defines the impact of the virus on that particular body. Once the defense mechanism of the body (white blood cells) indicates a invading entity, it starts killing it. However, in case of such drastic viruses, the issue is that the white blood cells also start destroying the cells and tissues which have been infected by the virus. The body does not only need to kill the virus during the initial days but it should also know when to stop in the final days of the virus period and the body should be healthy enough to make new cells/ tissues. 

Mild to Severe  -- Timeline

There are three types of impact levels categorized so far. The first level is the mild level on the basis that the recipient will experience symptoms in a mild manner and for a smaller period of time. In a mild case, the body usually takes control of the virus within 10 days and the probability of spreading the virus gets very low. 

The next is the moderate level this is where the recipient may experience the symptoms in a relatively higher magnitude and they could remain for almost a week. In this kind of state some recipients might also feel breath issues. On average, the body takes around 14 days to defeat the virus in this level of impact. 

The last is the severe, this condition is usually faced by the recipients which are more than 60 years old. In this age, the process of developing new tissues and cells is slow which is not capable of fighting the virus. That is the reason that old people are facing this level of impact upon receiving the virus. The people with this condition face a great difficulty of breathing and the might need the assistance of the ventilator. Usually the death occurs around the 18th day but those who survive tend to defeat the virus within 20-40 days. 

Although, in the severe condition, professional medical attention must be used. However, if you prepare your body well enough then you can be able to not only defeat the virus quickly but also face mild symptoms. 

The Components beneficial for both Beauty and Health


As mentioned in various other posts of this blog that proteins are very important for the beauty of the body and having a fat free mass. The protein diet makes your body more efficient and you do not tire early as compared to a fatty body mass. This component will ensure that the effects of the virus are kept to mild level. Also when the body has spent most of its white blood cells after killing the virus, proteins are required to balance them back. Proteins are not only beneficial for you hair growth, nails and skin but it also is an extra protection against the virus. 

Vitamins A,B,C,D

After fighting the virus, the body is exhausted and out of many resources. That is the reason that the people effected by COVID complain about being tired quickly and mostly. The body needs a lot of vitamin reserve to block the virus from spreading and then helping the body to recover. Many patients with severe conditions are actually prescribed with different kinds of vitamins and minerals for several weeks. If you have a vitamin balanced diet before and during the virus, your body will be more prepared and less exhausted. For detailed information regarding the properties of these vitamins in beauty domain check out the rest of the posts.  


 As mentioned earlier the lack of oxygen is one of the major concerns in the recipients of the virus. Water is 2 parts oxygen and keeping the desired water level of the body is a wonderful way of protecting and preparing it against the virus. Water also keeps the throat and nasal area hydrated, as the virus patients constantly complain about dryness. Drinking warm water is also an additive to the protection. Water has various other advantages such as making your skin fairer and younger. It also helps in the weight reduction process. You can find many other benefits of water in the other posts related to beauty tips. 


The cleanliness and the variety of food is a key step in the preparation of the virus and defeating the virus. The COVID SOP's should be followed and make sure that you wash your hands whenever you feel you have been touching different surfaces. Especially, wash your hands before eating. The application of mask should not be stopped as it defends against the spread of virus considerably. The balanced diet is essential before and during the battle against COVID. Fruits, vegetables, meat, beans, pulses and milk items all should be added into the diet. This will not only make you beautiful but also make your body prepared for fighting the pandemic. 


It can be seen that COVID is most dangerous for the old age people. Try to provide extra care for your parents and other old age relatives. Wearing mask is important near them not for your protection but for their protection. The best way is to avoid the virus and take such steps that you are not infected. This can be done by following simple SOP's and providing your body with the right food constituents. Proteins, Vitamins (A,B,C,D), water and a balanced diet is essential to avoid or fight against this global pandemic. Taking a balanced diet and adopting a hygienic lifestyle will make you beautigul, healthy and strong at the same time.     



Pure and Natural Biotin Smoothie for healthy Hair and Mind (Remedy for sleep deprivation and stress)


This biotin smoothie has various qualities to help in the reduction of stress, making hair and skin healthy. It contains zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium. This smoothie is equally helpful whether you are facing mental stress or having a hair loss. Another ability of this biotin smoothie is that it will help in the production of collagen which is another important ingredient required for the health of the skin. For a stressful mind or a person having insomnia issues, this is a relief tonic. If you want a deep sleep then this smoothie can be one of the best options. It will also provide vitamins to your body.


The first ingredient is the poppy seeds which have stress reducing quality, enhance collagen production and helps you get a deep sleep. It also has the ability to provide the anti aging effect and reduce the fine lines. It contains fair amount of magnesium which assists in the production of collagen. 


Next you will require the sun flower seeds which contains large quantity of biotin, iron and Vitamin E.

Third ingredient is walnut which is also a great source of biotin omega fatty acids which helps in the health of the brain. 

After that you need some sesame seeds which have protein, zinc and other vitamins. Proteins are important food components which are required for healthy hair. 

Fifth ingredient is date which  also contain large quantities of iron, minerals and vitamins, all of them helpful for hair growth and health. 

Sixth ingredients is almond which also contains tremendous food nutrients and supplements.  

The last ingredient is dry coconut. It contains good quantity of water and other minerals. 

Quantities and Method

Take 2 table spoon of poppy seeds, 2 table spoon of sunflower seeds, 20 whole walnuts, a few sesame seeds, 10 seedless dates and 4 tea spoons of dry coconut. 

Take all these ingredients, except for almonds, in the above mentioned quantities and place them in a bowl. Soak them overnight in water. Soak the almonds in a separate bowl overnight as well because the almond peel and water are not good for health. Remove the water and peels of almond and add them to the other ingredients as well. You can add some cardamoms for taste and blend all these ingredients together. Don't strain it and pour it out of the blender. The biotin magical tonic is ready. Drink 1 cup of this smoothie every day for healthy and glowing hair and skin. It will also make your brain stress free. The best time to use this smoothie is at night. 


Beauty is directly proportional to the health. A healthy body tends to look more beautiful. Getting the right ingredients in your diet can provide you with immense minerals, vitamins and proteins without any side effects. Poppy seeds are good for releasing the stress. zinc, Iron, Protein are good for the health of the hair. All the ingredients used in the biotin smoothie are all good for hair, skin and brain. Use this smoothie every day and be the most beautiful with a stress free mind.     


Home made Face wash for all skin types!!!


In the process of skin care a good face wash has its own significance. The synthetic face washes which are available in the market are prone for a specific skin type. Even if you find the face wash according to your skin type it might still have some side effects or low results. In this article I am going to share an easy way to make a face wash which is suitable for all skin types. I have an acne prone skin and I have used it my self and seen the tremendous results. Some other friends with different skin types have used and provided positive feed back. This face wash has proven to be effective in cold and dry areas as well.


The first ingredient which is required for this home made face wash is Saffron. It is an amazing organic item which has natural anti bacterial and anti fungal abilities, helping in the reduction of pimples and acne. It contains anti oxidants and Vitamins which assist in the reproduction and repair of the cells making the skin smoother and clearer. For best results try to use pure and fresher batch of Saffron. 

The second ingredient sis castile liquid which is chemical and scent free. As the harsh chemicals are absent from castile liquid, it is a perfect ingredient for this wash. You can use castile soap as well.  

The third ingredient is pure honey which also contains amazing properties which help the skin care process. It holds the moisture of the skin and keeps it moisturized for longer period of time. It also consists of anti inflammatory capabilities which provides a soothing effect on the skin. 

The last ingredient is the hemp oil which also has the effect of keeping the skin moisturized and keeps it from drying. 

Now take a glass jar and pour the castile liquid in it. Now put some powdered Saffron in it and 2-3 table spoons of honey. Now put some hemp oil in it and mix all the ingredients together well. The face wash is ready now use it to wash your face whenever you do. It will give your skin the best nourishment and care making you more beautiful. 


Synthetic face washes have side effects on the skin and it is hard to find the best face wash according to skin type and climate. The face wash described in this post is made from organic products which all have unique properties in taking care of your skin. The ingredients do not have any side effects. This face wash s suitable for all skin types. Use it every day while washing your face and see its amazing effects. You will notice a lot of smoothness and clarity on your skin within a few weeks. 

How to make Homemade Anti hair fall Flex Seed Gel for fast hair growth


Hair fall and hair growth are both big issues when it comes to beauty and appearance. Even when hair fall is not there some people have very slow rate of hair growth. In this post, we have brought for you a home made/Do it your self remedy for fastening your hair growth. We will show you how easily you can make flex seed gel which has amazing abilities to enhance the growth rate of hair. 

Procedure to make Flex Seed Gel 

Take 1/4 cup of flex seeds and put them in a stove. Add 2 and a half cup of water in the pot and put it on stove. Turn the burner to full and let it be there for two minutes. After that start stirring it continuously with a wooden spoon. Using wooden spoon is recommended as it  will reduce the flex seeds tendency to stick to the pot. Once the water is bubbling for three minutes turn the burner off. Let the flex seeds settle, cover the pot partially and let the mixture cool down. 

After the mixture is cooled down you will see that the it has taken a form of gel. Now take a cheese cloth and place it over a bowl. Pour the mixture from the pot onto the cloth. Once all of the mixture is on the cloth, start squeezing the gel from the cloth into the bowl. This might take a few minutes and some effort. Once all of the gel is retrieved, pour the gel into a mason jar. After using the gel, don't forget to put it in refrigerator. 


Take the gel and put it on your hair for two hours. It is efficient for all hair types but works best for wavy and curly hair. After 2 hours just wash it off with a mild Sulphate free shampoo. Flex seed gel which is full of nutrients has tremendous qualities of promoting hair growth and length. It also makes the hair stronger. 


Flex seed gel has great abilities to help in the growth of hair rapidly. Making the gel is very easy and you can make it at home by following the above instructions. Once you have used the gel preserve the remaining gel in cold place. Use this magical remedy for fast growth of your hair!!!      

Home made Collagen Powder for younger and smoother skin!!!


Collagen is major component of our skin defenses and when these defenses start to weaken the affects start to appear on the skin. Studies have revealed that after 30 years the collagen production in the body starts to reduce. As a result the skin starts becoming loose and wrinkles start to appear. So it is important to take collagen after 30 in order to maintain the youth and firmness of your skin. 

Details & Procedure

The collagen powder which is being described in this post can easily be made at home with organic products. Collagen is the main building block of skin which contains three kinds of amino acids. It will boost the collagen production in your body which will make your skin fine lines and wrinkle free.

In order to create this powder, you have to roast different items. The first item is Almond which has a rich quantity of proteins which is an essential requirement of the body. Take some almonds and roast them on low flame and then put aside in a plate to cool down. 

The seconds ingredient is the sesame seed. Take some seeds and roast them until they attain brownish color. These seeds also have a high magnitude of proteins in them. Let them cool down as well. 

Next take some cashews and roast it as well. They also contain proteins and zinc which strengthen the defense system of the skin by producing more collagen. 

Then you will need 4 orange peels which are well dried in the sunlight. Crush them to get the powder. Similarly get some goose berry (Amla) and get it dried at home. Both these ingredients contain Vitamin C and anti oxidants. 

Take all the ingredients and then grind them together to get the Collagen powder. Keep the powder safe in an air tight utensil.

In order to make the drink, just put 1 tea spoon of this powder into a glass and then add some warm water in it. Cover the glass and leave it for a couple of hours. After that drink it for a young and smooth skin. 

Take 15-20 grams of each ingredient roughly and let the roasted ingredient cool down before grinding. All the ingredients should be roasted at low flames. Finish this quantity of collagen powder in 15 days and then make fresh batch. Using this drink daily will give your skin an extra smoothness and anti aging effect.       

The human body starts decreasing the collagen production, an essential skin defense, after thirty years. In order to keep your skin tight, young and smooth the collagen should be introduced in the body externally. Otherwise the skin might start getting loose or wrinkles might start appearing. This article reveals some of the major ingredients which have important nutrients which helps the body in creation of collagen, even after 30 years. Almond, sesame seeds, cashews are all important sources of protein which is significant building block of body. Cashews also contain zinc. Orange peels and goose berry contain vitamin C and antioxidants which also help greatly in skin defense. Use all these ingredients and make this magical powder for a young, smooth and tighter skin.  

Benefits of Fish Oil (Omega 3 Capsules) in your beauty and fitness


Fish Oil has great benefits for your health and beauty which can be included in the body through omega 3 capsules, if fish is not in your food chart. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are the ingredients which are present in the fish oil or can be obtained by eating fish like salmon herring, sardines trout and albacore tuna. Only reason to take the capsules is if you are a vegetarian or are unable to include fish in your diet. You can use flex seeds, walnuts and soybeans too but they do not provide EPA considerably. 

Benefits of Omega 3

Triglycerides are the main element which constitutes the body fat. Omega 3 has great ability to reduce the high level triglycerides from the body which helps in reducing the body weight. 

Another important benefit of the omega 3 is that it can improve your blood pressure in a positive way. A study was conducted and it was observed that omega 3 managed to reduce systolic blood pressure by 1 and a half millimeters of mercury and diastolic blood pressure by 1 millimeter. May be it seems negligible in writing but the fact is that in a disturbed blood pressure scenario even this makes a great difference. Even the smallest positive changes bring out positive outputs. 

Fish oil or Omega 3 is also helpful in the cardiovascular disease. People having this disease should take fish in their diets for avoid death from this disease. It might not be able to completely stop the strokes or attacks but it can greatly help in lowering the probability of death through this disease. 

In case you are unable to get fish in your diet and use the capsules/ supplements, then kindly follow the tips below:

Tips to use Omega 3 Capsules/ Supplements

  • In take 1000 mg daily for an average health person, making sure that 250 milligrams of DHA and EPA are present in that. 

Benefits of Disprin Tablets in Skin Whitening and Acne Removal


Although Disprin is a medicine for a health treatments but it also has some amazing benefits in the process of whitening the skin and removing the acne. The process in which you can prepare this skin mask is shown in this post. Use this mask and make your skin tone lighter and get rid of the acne/ pimples. 


Take a small bowl and add 1-2 tablets of disprin. Add some rose water in it, you can also use simple water. Let the tablets dissolve and then mix the ingredients to prepare the mask. 

Before applying the mask, make sure that you wash your face and then dry it. After that apply the mask on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Once the mask is completely dry, wash it with plain water. Also apply moisturizer once you have washed your face. 

I have been using this mask for more than three years and you should use it daily too, for a white and smooth skin. It has wonderful benefits like drying out the pimples, helps in the reduction of black heads and decreases the redness of acne. Thus, making your skin soft and smooth. You will see considerable effect on the first use as well. 

This mask is also helpful in the reduction of freckles. If you feel some uncomfortable feeling on your skin, you can make a simple soothing mask to use after it. Simply take 1 table spoon each of aloe Vera gel and honey. Mix them together and apply the paste on your face. It will soothe your skin. Wash it after 5 minutes. 


Disprin has some great advantages when it comes to the skin care and treatment. Using disprin as described above, you will have a smooth and soft skin with a lighter tone. Use this remedy daily for the best results. If you have a sensitive skin, you should also make the soothing gel which is also highlighted in this post. Have a soft and smooth skin without pimples, acne and freckles.    

Benefits of facial Steaming for Face cleansing, fresh, glowing and brighter skin!!!!


The facial steaming can be a very beneficial action for getting a brighter and fresh skin. It should be known that the steaming your face using different things can have different kinds of effect for different kinds of skin types. The duration of the steaming depends upon the skin type as well. There are ways for a quick cleansing as well as a longer deep cleansing through steaming. 


To start the process we first need a pot and pour 500 ml of water in it. Put the pot on the stove so it could boil and create steam. After putting the pot for steam, you have to add three herbs in it. 

The first one is salt, add 12 table spoons of salt in the boiling water. Salt water has tremendous abilities to work as an anti septic which is helpful in making you skin soft. 

The second one is mint leaves which has a great scent and is a great assistance in skin care. It has vitamin A which makes your skin look fresh and soft. It will also help in brightening and lightening your skin tone. It also heals the pores, pimples and black heads. 

Green tea is the third herb which is known for its property to enhancing the circulation of blood and it also helps in refreshing your skin. It has an ability to work as an anti fungal agent and it also contains anti oxidants which are also provide positive impact for your skin. Green tea is also helpful for skin types which are prone to acne. 

After adding all these ingredients, place your face over the steaming water while covering it with a towel so that you can take the maximum steam. Let your face absorb the steam for 2-3 minutes and then while breathing deeply. Make sure to keep your distance from the hot water and pot. 

After you are done with steaming your face wash it with water and apply moisturizer.


Steaming the face with steam is a wonderful treatment for skin. Adding specific ingredients in the boiling water can further enhance the abilities of the steaming process. Salt, mint leaves and green tea have excellent abilities to heal and refresh your skin. This steam will provide your skin with the desired brightness, freshness and glow. 

How to remove neck lines naturally (100 % Guaranteed)


Neck Lines be an undesired feature in your appearance which should be removed for enhancing you appearance. Due to the continuous mobile usage in this era, the neck lines and wrinkles are becoming more prominent. When it comes to beauty and appearance even the smallest things can matter a lot. In order to get rid of neck lines just follow the simple instructions provided in this post. 


A daily neck massage is required for removing the neck lines and wrinkles. For this purpose you would require a spoon as the neck has many lymph. But do not very hard with your hand or spoon, other wise your neck will become very slim. 

Step 1

Apply some oil on the back side of the spoon and then start lifting your neck slowly and gently. While doing so keep stretching your neck as much as you can. Repeat this exercise 5 times for each position. Keep massaging and stretching your neck for different neck positions like sides, middle, top and bottom. While massaging the sides, make sure to start from the outer area and moving inwards. 

Step 2

After giving massage to neck from every side, now its time to treat the wrinkle areas specifically. Place the back side of the spoon on the neck lines and wrinkles and start moving it in a circle, anti clock wise. Don't press very hard just softly press the spoon and rotate it. Repeat this circular motion five times for each effected area. After completing this simple exercise rinse the neck with water and apply moisturizer. Use this simple technique daily for getting rid of your neck lines and wrinkles for good. 


In order to look pretty and good looking, the neck lines and wrinkles should be handled. A simple massage with specific procedure can help you get rid of these undesired lines. Use some oil and a spoon to massage your neck daily. Do not press hard other wise the neck might get slimmer than desired. Keep exercising your neck daily for best results. 

Seven Ingredients for a Healthier and Younger skin

  Human skin is the most sensitive and largest part of our body. Everyone wants beautiful and glowing skin and there are many tips on how to...