Benefits of Fish Oil (Omega 3 Capsules) in your beauty and fitness


Fish Oil has great benefits for your health and beauty which can be included in the body through omega 3 capsules, if fish is not in your food chart. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are the ingredients which are present in the fish oil or can be obtained by eating fish like salmon herring, sardines trout and albacore tuna. Only reason to take the capsules is if you are a vegetarian or are unable to include fish in your diet. You can use flex seeds, walnuts and soybeans too but they do not provide EPA considerably. 

Benefits of Omega 3

Triglycerides are the main element which constitutes the body fat. Omega 3 has great ability to reduce the high level triglycerides from the body which helps in reducing the body weight. 

Another important benefit of the omega 3 is that it can improve your blood pressure in a positive way. A study was conducted and it was observed that omega 3 managed to reduce systolic blood pressure by 1 and a half millimeters of mercury and diastolic blood pressure by 1 millimeter. May be it seems negligible in writing but the fact is that in a disturbed blood pressure scenario even this makes a great difference. Even the smallest positive changes bring out positive outputs. 

Fish oil or Omega 3 is also helpful in the cardiovascular disease. People having this disease should take fish in their diets for avoid death from this disease. It might not be able to completely stop the strokes or attacks but it can greatly help in lowering the probability of death through this disease. 

In case you are unable to get fish in your diet and use the capsules/ supplements, then kindly follow the tips below:

Tips to use Omega 3 Capsules/ Supplements

  • In take 1000 mg daily for an average health person, making sure that 250 milligrams of DHA and EPA are present in that. 
  • Use other heart friendly food items along with these capsules such as nuts, seeds and avocados for better absorption. 
  • Consult your doctor before starting the capsules or supplements.


Fish Oil and Omega 3 are great for reducing the body fat. They contain DHA and EPA which are helpful in reducing triglycerides which are the major component of the fat in body. 250 milligrams of DHA and EPA is the recommended amount for daily in take. They can decrease your body weight, give you fighting chance against the cardiovascular disease and control your blood pressure. These ingredients can be obtained by simply taking fish in your daily routine. However, if you can not consume fish then you can use omega 3 capsules or supplements. Consult your doctor before starting any capsules or supplements. Get fish oil in your body and be healthy and beautiful.     

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