Seven Ingredients for a Healthier and Younger skin

 Human skin is the most sensitive and largest part of our body. Everyone wants beautiful and glowing skin and there are many tips on how to get beautiful and glowing skin but today I am going to share 7 ingredients with you which you can use to get a beautiful and glowing skin.

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are loaded with a substance called lycopene; it can help and protect your cells from damage. Tomatoes also have potassium, vitamin B, E and other nutrients. Having a fair amount of tomatoes in your daily diet can provide you with a good quantity of all these healthy nutrients which are beneficial for your skin. 

Vitamin c is too good for skin and tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin c. It can boost your immune system and it also helps in stimulating collagen production. Vitamin C improves elasticity of the skin which makes your skin look younger. 

2. Leafy Greens

The green vegetables (mostly comprising leaves) are considered as 'Leafy Greens'. The vegetables like spinach, kale, collard, lettuce and other green leafy salad items are considered in this category. The leafy greens contain Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Iron, calcium and other minerals. All these ingredients helps your skin to reflect better in a large magnitude. 

Such vegetables are very effective to reverse the collagen production break down. Collagen production is essential for the skin to look pretty and glowing. 

3. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamin E, vitamin A, Vitamin C, omega 3, 6-Ftty acids and zinc.  it works as a cofactor for collagen synthesis. It has tremendous benefits for good skin. It is very helpful in the  process of making  your skin healthier and younger. Pumpkin seeds can moisturize your skin fights against free radicals for maintaining your youthful appearance. Pumpkin seeds are like a natural supplement for skin care as they are high in zinc.  Zinc has the ability to protect your cells membranes which are responsible for maintaining collagen production. They also promote skin renewal process. Pumpkin seeds are rich in antioxidant that helps lighten aging marks on the skin. Vitamin A, C and E help in fighting against the sun light which can damage and cause wrinkles on your skin. It also has fruit enzymes that help in natural exfoliation of dead skin cells.

4. Garlic

Another important ingredient which you should add in your daily food diet is garlic. It has amazing anti fungal and anti inflammatory properties along with providing smoothness to your skin. Garlic also has the ability to enhance the blood flow which increases the anti-oxidant levels of the skin and  body resulting in a glowing skin.  Some of garlic’s nutritional benefits which are extended to your health of your hair as well. Raw garlic is high in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins B-6 and C which are very helpful for  a naturally glowing skin. Garlic is very beneficial for women as it is effective in curing several health problems, boosts your metabolism, helps in weight loss and keeps the heart healthy. Garlic is traditionally used to treat colds and coughs as well.

5. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are known as agrumes which mean sour fruits. The most common citrus are oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons and limes. They grow on flowering trees and shrubs. They are also very beneficial and good for skin. Oranges and lemon peels are great addition to any skin care routine. Citrus fruits provide antioxidants which helps in removing your dead skin cells and generate new cells. It keeps your skin smooth and soft. Citrus fruits make your skin beautiful and glowing. Orange is one of the best citrus fruit for healthy skin.

Lemon is rich with antioxidant that gives you a healthy skin. Sweet lime is largely beneficial for health of human beings. Citrus fruits contain many compounds that can help you to keep your heart healthy as well. Citrus fruits provide you vitamin C and vitamin C helps and link amino acid together and gives you a healthy skin.

6. Sweet Potato

Sweet Potatoes contain a good source of fiber, potassium, vitamins and other essential nutrients which are good for skin. Sweet potato helps impart a natural glow to your skin making it softer and younger. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin c and vitamin E, both of which are very crucial to keep skin healthy, glowing and supple. Vitamin c helps to boost collagen production which is the reason of tightness of your skin. They also support your immune system. Sweet potatoes are incredibly rich in beta-carotene, the antioxidant, in fact one cup of (200grams) baked sweet potatoes will provide more than seven times the amount of beta-carotene which is the average per day need of an adult.

7. Cabbage

Cabbage is an exceptionally healthy food and outstanding nutrient, especially high in vitamins C and vitamin K. Cabbage has 1 gram of fiber for every calorie, it is commonly eaten as vegetable. Most common cabbage is green but red cabbage has become increasingly popular for color in salads and cooked dishes. Cabbage contains a wide range of nutrients and vitamins, such as vitamin A, C, E, Sulphur and Potassium which provides wonderful cleansing effect and nourishment for your skin. The cabbage is highly beneficial for beautiful and youthful skin, if used on regular basis. It is also good people who have acne prone skin. Cabbage can be very helpful for drying up oily and acne prone skin. Internally Sulphur is essential for keratin, a protein substance which is very important and useful for healthy hair, nails and skin.

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Seven Ingredients for a Healthier and Younger skin

  Human skin is the most sensitive and largest part of our body. Everyone wants beautiful and glowing skin and there are many tips on how to...