How to Reduce Belly Fat Simply at Home


Stomach fat is an unwanted element in the appearance and fitness of the body. In order to look smart and well shaped it is essential to get rid of the belly fat. There are various treatments for removing the fat along with heavy exercises at the gym. Don't worry you can just do some simple exercises at home and simply get rid of the undesired fat from your belly. 

Exercise 1: 

This is a low impact exercise which focuses on your breath rather than increasing your heart rate. In order to remove your belly fat just follow the simple steps below: 

  1. Go on the floor on all four, supporting your body on hands and knees. 
  2. Inhale deeply while loosing your abdomen.
  3. Exhale while tightening the abdomen. 
  4. Hold both the positions for 15 seconds. 
There is another exercise for stomach vacuum which is described below: 
  1. Sit on a chair and imagine your stomach is an elevator which is moving up. 
  2. Now inhale from your nose deeply.
  3. Exhale from your mouth while pushing your tummy towards your spine, imagining it is moving upward. 
  4. Breathe in and Breathe out 5 times in each set. 
  5. Repeat this exercise 5 times. 

If you are a heart patient or have lung ailment then you should avoid this exercise. This exercise should be performed on an empty stomach. Hold your hands above the head during this exercise. As you lift your torso, do not sit straight rather your back should make an angle of 30 degrees from the ground or the chair, only then will you feel pressure on your abdominal muscles.

Exercise 2: Crunches

It is the best exercise for reducing the belly fat in term of quickness and top listing. Just follow the following steps:

  1. Lie down flat on a mat with your knees bent and the feet on the ground. Alternatively, you can also lift your legs at a 90 degree angle. 
  2. Place your hands behind your head or place them crossed over your chest. 
  3. Inhale deeply while you lift your torso off the floor and then exhale. 
  4. Again Inhale deeply while going back down and exhale while coming up. 
  5. Do 2-3 sets of 10 daily.   

While doing crunches just lift your body a few inches high so that you do not hurt your back. Make sure to make your movements steady and slow. You don't want any twisted muscles due to hurry.

Exercise 3: Twist crunches

This is a modified version of the simple crunches for an even more effective reduction of belly fat rapidly. Take the following steps: 

  1. Lie down on the floor with your hands behind your back. 
  2. Bend your knees just like in the simple crunches. 
  3. Lift your upper torso such that only your right shoulder is lifted but the left shoulder remains on ground. 
  4. Similarly, repeat for the left shoulder as well. 
  5. Repeat 10 times.  
  6. Side crunch, it is same as above just you lift the same side leg too along with the shoulder. 

Be very careful and steady while performing side and twisted crunches. If you feel pain or unbearable pressure you can reduce the number of times you repeat the exercise and then increase them eventually over time. 


Removal of belly fat is significant in order to look smart and attractive. The expensive surgeries and heavy exercises are there which might help in the reduction of belly fat but they have their side effects. The three simple exercises described in this article will allow you to get rid of the belly fat quickly and easily. 

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