Tips to make your body strong to fight Corona Virus (COVID) while making it beautiful: Health & Beauty together


Although this is a beauty blog, but the current situation of Corona virus has compelled me to create this post. After going through my first hand observation of this virus and after observing the conditions of people in my close proximity, I determined that the vitamins and other nutrients which are used in the beauty enhancement are almost same as the ones required by the body while fighting the COVID virus. This article will display all the things which will not only make you beautiful but it will also make you body prepared to fight the corona virus. You can eve use these tips even when you are infected by the virus to slow down the process of virus multiplication and keep the effects of the virus to be mild. 

Entry of the Virus

When the virus enters a human body it starts attaching it self to the near by cells and tissues. Every recipient of the virus perceives it differently which defines the impact of the virus on that particular body. Once the defense mechanism of the body (white blood cells) indicates a invading entity, it starts killing it. However, in case of such drastic viruses, the issue is that the white blood cells also start destroying the cells and tissues which have been infected by the virus. The body does not only need to kill the virus during the initial days but it should also know when to stop in the final days of the virus period and the body should be healthy enough to make new cells/ tissues. 

Mild to Severe  -- Timeline

There are three types of impact levels categorized so far. The first level is the mild level on the basis that the recipient will experience symptoms in a mild manner and for a smaller period of time. In a mild case, the body usually takes control of the virus within 10 days and the probability of spreading the virus gets very low. 

The next is the moderate level this is where the recipient may experience the symptoms in a relatively higher magnitude and they could remain for almost a week. In this kind of state some recipients might also feel breath issues. On average, the body takes around 14 days to defeat the virus in this level of impact. 

The last is the severe, this condition is usually faced by the recipients which are more than 60 years old. In this age, the process of developing new tissues and cells is slow which is not capable of fighting the virus. That is the reason that old people are facing this level of impact upon receiving the virus. The people with this condition face a great difficulty of breathing and the might need the assistance of the ventilator. Usually the death occurs around the 18th day but those who survive tend to defeat the virus within 20-40 days. 

Although, in the severe condition, professional medical attention must be used. However, if you prepare your body well enough then you can be able to not only defeat the virus quickly but also face mild symptoms. 

The Components beneficial for both Beauty and Health


As mentioned in various other posts of this blog that proteins are very important for the beauty of the body and having a fat free mass. The protein diet makes your body more efficient and you do not tire early as compared to a fatty body mass. This component will ensure that the effects of the virus are kept to mild level. Also when the body has spent most of its white blood cells after killing the virus, proteins are required to balance them back. Proteins are not only beneficial for you hair growth, nails and skin but it also is an extra protection against the virus. 

Vitamins A,B,C,D

After fighting the virus, the body is exhausted and out of many resources. That is the reason that the people effected by COVID complain about being tired quickly and mostly. The body needs a lot of vitamin reserve to block the virus from spreading and then helping the body to recover. Many patients with severe conditions are actually prescribed with different kinds of vitamins and minerals for several weeks. If you have a vitamin balanced diet before and during the virus, your body will be more prepared and less exhausted. For detailed information regarding the properties of these vitamins in beauty domain check out the rest of the posts.  


 As mentioned earlier the lack of oxygen is one of the major concerns in the recipients of the virus. Water is 2 parts oxygen and keeping the desired water level of the body is a wonderful way of protecting and preparing it against the virus. Water also keeps the throat and nasal area hydrated, as the virus patients constantly complain about dryness. Drinking warm water is also an additive to the protection. Water has various other advantages such as making your skin fairer and younger. It also helps in the weight reduction process. You can find many other benefits of water in the other posts related to beauty tips. 


The cleanliness and the variety of food is a key step in the preparation of the virus and defeating the virus. The COVID SOP's should be followed and make sure that you wash your hands whenever you feel you have been touching different surfaces. Especially, wash your hands before eating. The application of mask should not be stopped as it defends against the spread of virus considerably. The balanced diet is essential before and during the battle against COVID. Fruits, vegetables, meat, beans, pulses and milk items all should be added into the diet. This will not only make you beautiful but also make your body prepared for fighting the pandemic. 


It can be seen that COVID is most dangerous for the old age people. Try to provide extra care for your parents and other old age relatives. Wearing mask is important near them not for your protection but for their protection. The best way is to avoid the virus and take such steps that you are not infected. This can be done by following simple SOP's and providing your body with the right food constituents. Proteins, Vitamins (A,B,C,D), water and a balanced diet is essential to avoid or fight against this global pandemic. Taking a balanced diet and adopting a hygienic lifestyle will make you beautigul, healthy and strong at the same time.     



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